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What I see vs what you see


Updated: Apr 16, 2020

I’ve wanted to do one of these “What I see vs what you see” comparisons for a while now, but always forget about it at a session. This is a perfect example for me to post! I finally got one! And it was my own session haha. Theres a funny story behind this session actually which I feel compelled to tell you all about not only for a laugh, but to show that no matter what happens, our job as a photographer is to find the beauty in everything! No matter where we are or what surrounds us, we make lemonade out of lemons and it brings me so much joy!

So I’ve had this vision for this shoot for sooo long, of a mumma to be in an emerald dress, under a waterfall, standing under the water and holding her beautiful bump, lying in the shallow water surrounded by rocks, eyes closed, thinking about her beautiful baby thats about to make her a mum and change her life forever, something natural, flowing and just magical. So, naturally when I became pregnant myself again, I wanted to bring it to life finally. I searched for the perfect waterfall for my vision, that was nearby, in a drought, and it was like searching for a unicorn.

Then on a trip a few hours away, I saw one! It was a man made waterfall but it was absolutely perfect and I knew I would be able to make it look amazing! I wasn’t far enough along for photos then so I left it until another month and planned the whole thing. I got all dressed up, got the kids babysat for the day, did the 2 hour drive with hubby, prepared him to take photos of me in a public place (haha!) Went for the short walk to the waterfall and BAM no water, and a fence around the pump saying broken! I could not even believe it. I felt completely deflated for a minute, but there was no way I was going to waste my makeup, hair and the whole day for nothing. So I searched nearby and saw this wall of bougainvillaea,

The moment I saw this spot I literally pictured this image on the right exactly as it came out! I knew what I could create with this straight away!

Find the beauty in everything ❤️



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